Inspired by the classic platform jumping game (doodle jump) and the trendy yelling game (chicken scream), we created this voice-controlled jumping game. The user yells at varied frequencies to control the agent to either move left (low frequency) or right (high frequency). We also designed a multi-player version, where the agent will move left when player 1 yells, move right when player 2 yells, and jump when they yell at the same time.
Play it yourself (currently only FireFox allows the voice input, but you can also use keyboard to move the agent) or Watch a video
Relevant Skills: Game Design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (via the Phaser game engine)
Duration: 32 hours
My Role:
- Designer
- Front-end Developer
Result: win Facebook challenge (design an interesting game using messenger platform) and get invited to Facebook Final Global Hackathon
Challenges we ran into
- The microphone permission on chrome is not guaranteed currently, but messenger mobile app operates based on Chrome. So currently the game can’t be played on phone.
- Facebook sets the frequency of the client and server to be 5sec each time, so we have to build our own server to host real-time Multiplayer game.
Accomplishments that we’re proud of
Instead of letting the players isolating themselves from their surrounding environment, this game aims to bring people yelling together to have fun. The microphone input works very well, and during the demo session the judges yelled together to play this game.
Personally, I challenged myself to take the team lead role, distributing the tasks, checking the progress, and learning Javascript on the spot.
What’s next for Lunatic Jump
We hope to fully implement multiplayer, as well as add shooting features and different platform types.
Thanks for the help of, and facebook support team.